Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hi ho, hi ho.....

And it's off to work we go! Our class is just about to start our first clinical rotation! Some of us are excited, some terrified..... and most of us are some combination of the two. How could we not be? We are *finally* getting some hands-on, practical experience with real clients. The flip side of that is that it's hands-on, practical experience with real clients. LOL.

I think I'm going to head off to to read the forums on nursing school bloopers and stories...... Aren't medical folks always the ones with the best stories at parties? I'd love to hear yours. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok guys.. i am here to bust your bubble.. and tell you that what you need to know, and what you are being taught are 2 different animals! First of all, if there is anything I can ever stress to any nursing student is... KNOW YOUR PATHOPHYS. it will be the root of everything you will need to know in any type of nursing you ever do.. If you know this.. the rest will flow so easily, and it will MAKE SENSE! Ahhh, a new concept huh? Also, critical think. Prioritize, you will need this not only in your career, but for your boards as well.. Time management is KEY in nursing, if you decide to go the traditional root ie; Med-Surg.. this will be of utmost importance. Patient to nurse ratio sucks. I always was lucky bc I was in Speciality units.. OR for years then L/D, now i am going for my NP in Psych and Mental Health. I work Lock down Adult/Adol. SANE nursing and Forensics.... You will never be bored! But you can drown very easily, or have an Nurse do it for you. Yes.. you heard me right.. they are not all nice.. and they WILL hang you out to dry. I know... it happened to me, I hung my nurses cap up for over a year and swore off the profession and hospitals. That is how I got into Forensics.. Better off with the dead I thought, and on my own. I eventually went back into Psych. But always dot your i's cross your t's. The only stupid questions you can ask are the ones you don't. If you do not know how to do a procedure or know a drugs compatability.. look it up.. or ask.. you will find nurses who will be happy to answer you and teach you.. and want you to succeed. But never think bad things can't happen to you. I only say this, bc I see throughout the years how things can happen, and also for experience. It is not to scare you, only to make you realize.. you are a Professional, with a lic. you got from blood, sweat and tears... don't let anyone get in the way of that. I am always here for help with questions, problems, thoughts or just to hear you cheer, cry or scream... Good luck ladies and possible gents...
